Nelkit Chavez

SoftwareEngineerSoftware Engineer

+7 years of experience


I am a mobile and web developer with over seven years of experience in creating mobile applications, using native languages like Swift and hybrid solutions like Flutter and React Native.

My expertise extends to working with third-party libraries such as Alamofire, RealmDB, and native libraries like CloudKit, UIKit, CoreData, among others. I possess a set of skills that enable me to design a custom user interface using modern techniques like Swift UI, as well as more traditional approaches like Storyboards or UIKit. Additionally, I have extensive knowledge in integrating RESTful APIs and conducting unit testing.

Furthermore, I have ventured into the field of Backend development using Django, as well as Frontend development using technologies like ReactJS. My passion for innovation and new technologies, coupled with my enthusiasm for learning something new every day, makes me an invaluable part of any team seeking creative and innovative solutions.


Sep 2021 - Sep 2022

Sr Mobile Apps Engineer

Sumadi · Full-time

As a key member of the development team, I have played a crucial role in designing and building the mobile application using the latest version of Flutter. This application represented a significant milestone for Sumadi as it marked the company's debut in the mobile market, providing customers with a comprehensive and user-friendly solution.

FlutterDockerNodeJSAWS LambdaFirebase RDB
May 2019 - Oct 2021

Senior iOS Developer

Ryte · Full-time

I played a key role in the redesign of the Ryte Passenger application using the latest version of Swift. This led to a 90% improvement in the overall user experience. Additionally, I was responsible for maintaining the code of the Ryte Driver application.

iOSSwiftUIKitRXSwiftMQTTMapboxGoogle Maps
ene 2016 - mar 2017

Mobile and Web Developer

Crayon Star · Full-time

I was part of a team that developed more than 12 web and mobile projects, using hybrid technologies such as Angular, Ionic, and Django for the Backend.

IonicCSSHTMLCrashlyticsDjangoAngular JS
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Classroom Locstatt

In this application I was present in the development from the design stage of the mockup in sketch to the completion of the same with the programming language Swift, acquiring a great experience in the process of creating mobile applications from scratch.

iOSUIKitRealm DBSwiftSockets

Agromapas Cartographic Viewer

Interactive maps system developed for the Ministry of Agriculture, where users have access to a range of resources and services based on geospatial information of the agri-food sector production in Honduras.


Ryte 2.0

In this application participate in the total development of the 2.0 application to create a completely renewed version. rewritten the entire code to Swift 5 and a complete redesign and UX.

iOSSwiftMapBoxMQTTRXSwiftGoogle Maps
portfoliov3 (v3)

The latest version of my personal portfolio developed with Gatsby, ReactJS, and TailwindCSS.

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